10 August 2009

summer anthem

that Re-Up Gang charm looks like a fuckin rice krispie treat.
not like i can relate, but hey my mind is wealthy...

(the jewelry/dessert/baked good in question)

09 August 2009


from centerfield? come on...
the Fish swept the Phils, but how great has Cliff Lee been?
we don' nee' no stinkin' Halladay!

real myth

My mother told me once, that when she was a child my grandfather had smoked Kool cigarettes for as long as she could remember. I believe it was something he picked up fighting in Korea.

This was prior to the Surgeon General warnings and all we know about rat poison and carcinogens and whatever else is in cigarettes.

She told me that when that information was released to the public, my grandfather read it, smoked a cigarette. I may have been the last of a pack, but it was his last. He had one more cigarette and quit, just like that.


27 years and I had never known that.

(well damn)

whachu think Bey?

shout out to the Fish Man, that's a real nigga right there.
(yes, I know The Wire wasn't real)

"...but fo a pit beef sammich an some tater salad i could go a few rounds."

cuz they make it so easy

to love 'em.

but why's it so hard to find women of color online that aren't cheesy/in the club/500 dollar pseudo-models?


not particularly "of color"...but we don't discriminate here at WWOAK

-puts Ice Cream on repeat


Sigma DP-1


08 August 2009


me...a ladyfriend, classic wooden speedboat, few Cohibas, jars of the kush flower, Coltrane and Miles, brunch by the water.

one day.


I'm an Indian, all right; but here in the nation they call us the "civilized tribe". They call us "civilized" because we're easy to sneak up on. White men have been sneaking up on us for years.

- (Chief Dan George as) Lone Watie

from quite possibly the best Western ever made, The Outlaw Josey Wales
but in the spirit of a writer...i believe in showing not telling...

Lone drops jewels...


-bites fist

you dont play fair.


when i can smell someones meal cooking through my bathroom window.